ДАТА: 30 март – 1 април 2017
МЯСТО НА ПРОВЕЖДАНЕ: Пловдив, Медицински университет, бул. Васил Априлов 15
ОРГАНИЗАТОР: Дентално Лазерно Общество
КОНТАКТИ: e-mail: office@dentallasersociety.com; тел. +359 888 358 266
The Congress integrates three significant events: 8th Annual Dental Laser Academy (under patronage of Prof. Georgi Todorov, Dean of FDM Plovdiv, Bulgaria), 2nd International Genova University MSc in Laser Dentistry Alumni Meeting (under patronage of Prof. Stefano Benedicenti, Dean of Dental Faculty of Genova, Italy) and the 1st National Congress of Oral Medicine (under patronage of Prof. Aaron Palmon, Dean of Dental Faculty of Jerusalem, Israel).
The scientific program will meet the needs of beginners and experts. On the international front, renowned lecturers from around the Europe would be invited to cover a wide range of topics on laser applications and research. It is a golden opportunity for you to mingle and interact with the leaders of laser dentistry, to share knowledge in a fun-filled program that would be remembered fondly. The wide variety of activities was specially designed to promote the benefits of the lasers to all dental professionals.
Another important aspect of such event is the opportunity to increase the diversity of our unity, to exchange ideas, to make new acquaintances and personal friendship, to facilitate future collaborations among organisations, institutions and industries. At last but not least, to visit the beautiful city of Plovdiv, European capital of culture for 2019.
Finally, I want to declare my sincere thanks to our lecturers, colleagues, students, alumni and staff who has contributed to organise this event and who are all instrumental in helping our Faculty and Society maintain their national stature as centres of excellence in laser education and research.
Reminding the motto of Bulgarian Dental Laser Society “Lucem sequamur” (“Let us follow the Light”), we wish you more lights in your life and we are looking forward to seeing you in Plovdiv during the European Congress of Laser Dentistry.
ПРОГРАМА И РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ: https://dentallasersociety.com/ecld-2017/