ТЕМА: Anatomical dissection and grafting procedures on human speciments
Theory and Practice
ДАТА: 19-21 юни 2014
ДАТА: 20-22 ноември 2014
Course Directors: Dr. S. Marcus Beschnidt, Dr. Dr. Rudolf Seemann
ОРГАНИЗАТОР: Medical University of Vienna
ЕЗИК: English
КОНТАКТИ: www.camlog.com, nadine.kutta@camlog.com, Phone: +41 61 565 41 52, Fax: +41 61 565 41 01
ЦЕНА: € 2420 – Including course materials, coffee breaks, lunches and dinner on the first evening
Day 1 ____________________________________________
9 am – 1 pm, Hotel Regina
- Anatomical considerations in conjunction with GBR and dental implant procedures
- Critical issues: nerve structures, blood vessels, sinus, nasal and oral cavities
- Introduction of the Anatomical Institute and dissection room
- Approaches step by step MANDIBLE: Mental Region; Posterior Mandible; Transmucosal or epiperiostal preparation of Implant insertion; Approaches step by step MAXILLA; Anterior Region; Lateral Region
- Transmucosal or epiperiostal preparation and Implant insertion
2.30 pm – 6 pm
Anatomical Institute, Währingerstr. 13
Practical part
Approaches afternoon
Step by step MANDIBLE
- Mental Region
- Marginal incision
- Dissection of the mental nerve
- Lateralisation of the mental nerve
- Posterior Mandible – Part 1
- Dissection of the lingual nerve
- GBR Technique (Membrane + Bone substitute)
7.30 pm Dinner & Evening event
Day 2 ____________________________________________
9 am – 5 pm , Anatomical Institute
Practical part
Step by step, MANDIBLE
Posterior Mandible – Part 2
- Third molar surgery
- Bone harvesting of the mandibular angle
- Dissection of the envelope periostal flap
- Exposure of the mandibular canal
- Bone splitting and PSP techniques
Step by step, MAXILLA
Anterior Region:
- Socket preservation
- Ridge preservation
- Demonstration of the infraorbital nerve
- Bone splitting techniques
- Onlay plasty in the anterior region
Lateral Region:
- Demonstration of the palatine artery
- Sinus lift and graft
- Fat pad
Day 3 ____________________________________________
9 am – 2 pm, Hotel Regina
- Failure Treatment
- Closing statements and certification ceremony