Д-р Марко Таларико завършва с отличие Университета в“La Sapienza“ (2000). През 2003 г. завършва едногодшен курс по орална хирургия в катедрата по орална рехабилитация в същия университет.През 2005 година получава специалност по орална хирургия в същия университет. През 2006-2007 г. взема участие в следдипломно обучение по пародонтология и имплантология в катедрата по пародонтология на Университета във Флоренция.
Допълнителна квалификация: Интезивно фиксирано протезиране при Dr. M. Fradeani (2008), ”Четири в едно” и “имедиатна функция” при Dr. P. Malo (2009); Оклузия и гнатология при проф. M. Molina (2010); Направлявана минимално инвазивна хирургия при проф. A. Pozzi (2012). Сертификат по имплантатно-базирана терапия на Европейската асоциация по остеоинтеграция (EAO) (2013). Лектор е към Катедрата по орална рехабилитация на университет ”Tor Vergata”, Рим. Частна практика в Рим, в която се занимава с имплантатна хирургия и протетика. Автор на множество публикации в международно признати журнали. В някои е съавтор със Саша Йованович, Алесандро Поци, Луиджи Кануло. Лектор на значими международни форуми.
Journal Publications
- Giovanni Polizzi, Tommaso Cantoni, Emanuele Pasini, Marco Tallarico: Immediate loading of variable-thread expanding tapered-body implants placed into maxillary post-extraction or healed sites using a guided surgery approach: An up-to-five-year retrospective analysis.
- Silvio Mario Meloni, Marco Tallarico, Milena Pisano, Erta Xhanari, Luigi Canullo: Immediate Loading of Fixed Complete Denture Prosthesis Supported by 4–8 Implants Placed Using Guided Surgery: A 5-Year Prospective Study on 66 Patients with 356 Implants. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 09/2016; DOI:10.1111/cid.12449
- Marco Tallarico, Erta Xhanari, Paolo Paglia, Silvio Mario Meloni: Minimally invasive hydraulic elevation of the Schneiderian membrane and insertion of bone graft material using a novel self-tapping implant system: Radiographic and prosthetic aspects.
- Marco Tallarico, Silvio Mario Meloni, Erta Xhanari, Milena Pisano, David L Cochran: Minimally Invasive Sinus Augmentation Procedure Using a Dedicated Hydraulic Sinus Lift Implant Device: A Prospective Case Series Study on Clinical, Radiologic, and Patient-Centered Outcomes. The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry 08/2016; DOI:10.11607/prd.2914
- Berta Garcia, Fabio Camacho, David Peñarrocha, Marco Tallarico, Sara Perez, Luigi Canullo: Influence of plasma cleaning procedure on the interaction between soft tissue and abutments: A randomized controlled histologic study. Clinical Oral Implants Research 08/2016; DOI:10.1111/clr.12953
- Luigi Canullo, Martina Caneva, Marco Tallarico: Ten-year hard and soft tissue results of a pilot double-blinded randomized controlled trial on immediately loaded post-extractive implants using platform-switching concept. Clinical Oral Implants Research 08/2016; DOI:10.1111/clr.12940
- Marco Tallarico, Haddar Better, Giacomo De Riu, Silvio Mario Meloni: A novel implant system dedicate to hydraulic Schneiderian membrane elevation and simultaneously bone graft augmentation: An up-to 45 months retrospective clinical study. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 08/2016; 44(8). DOI:10.1016/j.jcms.2016.05.016
- Silvio Mario Meloni, Sascha A Jovanovic, Istvan Urban, Luigi Canullo, Milena Pisano, Marco Tallarico: Horizontal Ridge Augmentation using GBR with a Native Collagen Membrane and 1:1 Ratio of Particulated Xenograft and Autologous Bone: A 1-Year Prospective Clinical Study: One-Year Data from Horizontal Ridge Augmentation. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 06/2016; DOI:10.1111/cid.12429
- Marco Tallarico, Silvio Mario Meloni, Erta Xhanari, Luigi Canullo: Three-year clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients treated according to the All-on-4 concept in the daily practice: A prospective observational study on implants and prosthesis survival rates and complications.
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Peter K. Moy: Four-implant overdenture fully supported by a CAD/CAM titanium bar: A single-cohort prospective 1-year preliminary study. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 05/2016; DOI:10.1016/j.prosdent.2016.03.015
- Luigi Canullo, Paulo Henrique Orlato Rossetti, Marco Tallarico, David Peñarrocha Oltra: Identification of Staphylococcus aureus at the internal and external implant surfaces in individuals with periimplant disease: A cross-sectional study.
- L. Canullo, T. Genova, M. Tallarico, G. Gautier, F. Mussano, D. Botticelli: Plasma of Argon Affects the Earliest Biological Response of Different Implant Surfaces: An In Vitro Comparative Study. Journal of Dental Research 02/2016; 95(5). DOI:10.1177/0022034516629119
- Marco Tallarico, Luigi Canullo, Milena Pisano, David Peñarrocha-Oltra, Miguel Peñarrocha-Oltra, Silvio Mario Meloni: An up to 7-year retrospective analysis of biologic and technical complication with the All-on-4 concept. Journal of Oral Implantology 12/2015;
- Luigi Canullo, Tallarico Marco, David Peñarrocha-Oltra, Alberto Monje, Hom-Lay Wang, Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago: Implant Abutments Cleaning by Plasma of Argon: Five Years Follow-Up of a RCT. Journal of Periodontology 11/2015; 87(4). DOI:10.1902/jop.2015.150549
- Luigi Canullo, Giovanni Wiel Marin, Marco Tallarico, Elena Canciani, Federica Msc, Dds Musto, Claudia Dellavia: Histological and Histomorphometrical Evaluation of Postextractive Sites Grafted with Mg-Enriched Nano-Hydroxyapatite: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing 4 Versus 12 Months of Healing. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 10/2015; DOI:10.1111/cid.12381
- Luigi Canullo, Marco Tallarico, Sandro Radovanovic, Boris Delibasic, Ugo Covani, Mia Rakic: Distinguishing predictive profiles for patient-based risk assessment and diagnostics of plaque induced, surgically and prosthetically triggered peri-implantitis. Clinical Oral Implants Research 10/2015; DOI:10.1111/clr.12738
- Marco Tallarico, Silvio Mario Meloni, Luigi Canullo, Martina Caneva, Giovanni Polizzi: Five-Year Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Patients Rehabilitated with Immediately Loaded Maxillary Cross-Arch Fixed Dental Prosthesis Supported by Four or Six Implants Placed Using Guided Surgery. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 10/2015; *(*). DOI:10.1111/cid.12380
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Alberto Barlattani: Monolithic Lithium Disilicate Full-Contour Crowns Bonded on CAD/CAM Zirconia Complete-Arch Implant Bridges With 3 to 5 Years of Follow-Up. Journal of Oral Implantology 08/2015; XLI(4). DOI:10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-13-00133
- Marco Tallarico, Luigi Canullo, Erta Xhanari, Silvio Mario Meloni: Dental implants treatment outcomes in patient under active therapy with alendronate: 3-year follow-up results of a multicenter prospective observational study. Clinical Oral Implants Research 07/2015; 27(8). DOI:10.1111/clr.12662
- Silvio Mario Meloni, Marco Tallarico, Giacomo De Riu, Milena Pisano, Alessandro Deledda, Francesco Maria Lolli, Olindo Massarelli, Antonio Tullio: Guided implant surgery after free-flap reconstruction: Four-year results from a prospective clinical trial. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 07/2015; 43(8).
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Peter K. Moy: The Implant Biologic Pontic Designed Interface: Description of the Technique and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Evaluation. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 04/2015; 17(Suppl 2). DOI:10.1111/cid.12320
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Peter K Moy: Immediate loading with a novel implant featured by variable-threaded geometry, internal conical connection and platform shifting: Three-year results from a prospective cohort study. European Journal of Oral Implantology 03/2015; 8(1).
- Silvio Mario Meloni, Marco Tallarico, Francesco Maria Lolli, Alessandro Deledda, Milena Pisano, Sascha A Jovanovic: Postextraction socket preservation using epithelial connective tissue graft vs porcine collagen matrix. 1-year results of a randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Oral Implantology 03/2015; 8(1).
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Massimiliano Marchetti, Bruno Scarfò, Marco Esposito: Computer-guided versus free-hand placement of immediately loaded dental implants: 1 year post-loading results of a multicenter randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Oral Implantology 09/2014; 7(3).
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Peter K Moy: Three-year post-loading results of a randomised, controlled, split-mouth trial comparing implants with different prosthetic interfaces and design in partially posterior edentulous mandibles. European Journal of Oral Implantology 04/2014; 7(1).
- David French, Marco Tallarico: Eight-year clinical and radiologic results of maxillary and mandibular implant-retained bar overdentures carried out on Oxidized (TiUnite (TM)) Replace Select Implants placed in regenerated bone: A clinical case. Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany: 1985) 02/2014; 45(2). DOI:10.3290/j.qi.a31012
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Francesco Mangani, Alberto Barlattani: Different implant impression techniques for edentulous patients treated with CAD/CAM complete-arch prostheses: a randomised controlled trial reporting data at 3 year post-loading. European Journal of Oral Implantology 12/2013; 6(4).
- Alessandro Pozzi, Stefan Holst, Giacomo Fabbri, Marco Tallarico: Clinical Reliability of CAD/CAM Cross-Arch Zirconia Bridges on Immediately Loaded Implants Placed with Computer-Assisted/Template-Guided Surgery: A Retrospective Study with a Follow-Up between 3 and 5 Years. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 08/2013; DOI:10.1111/cid.12132
- Charles A Babbush, Marco Tallarico: Twelve-Year Clinical and Radiological Results of Maxillary and Mandibular Implant-Retained Bar Overdentures Carried out on Oxidized (TiUnite) Replace Select Implants: A Clinical Case. Journal of Oral Implantology 02/2013; 39(6). DOI:10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-12-00311
- Alessandro Pozzi, Enrico Agliardi, Marco Tallarico, Alberto Barlattani: Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Two Implants with Different Prosthetic Interfaces and Neck Configurations: Randomized, Controlled, Split-Mouth Clinical Trial. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 06/2012; 16(1). DOI:10.1111/j.1708-8208.2012.00465.x
- A Pozzi, M Tallarico, A Barlattani: Unusual anchor pins placement and protocol deviations during computer-based implant placement in a patient with severe mandibular bone atrophy. A case report. Minerva stomatologica 06/2012; 61(6).
- Marco Tallarico, Anna Vaccarella, Gian Carlo Marzi, Alessia Alviani, Valentina Campana: A prospective case-control clinical trial comparing 1-and 2-stage Nobel Biocare TiUnite implants: Resonance frequency analysis assessed by Osstell Mentor during integration. Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany: 1985) 09/2011; 42(8).
- Marco Tallarico, Anna Vaccarella, Gian Carlo Marzi: Clinical and radiological outcomes of 1- versus 2-stage implant placement: 1-year results of a randomised clinical trial. European Journal of Oral Implantology 03/2011; 4(1).
- D Sarzi Amadè, M Tallarico, M C Loreti, P P Montecchi, A Niccoli: Clinical guidelines for prevention of osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients in treatment with bisphosphonates: literature review and report of three cases. Minerva stomatologica 10/2008; 57(9).
- A Cicconetti, A Bartoli, M Tallarico, F Maggiani, S Santaniello: Central odontogenic fibroma interesting the maxillary sinus. A case report and literature survey. Minerva stomatologica 05/2006; 55(4).
- U. ROMEO, M. TALLARICO, G. TENORE, M. RIPARI: Internal root resorption: a clinical case. Annali di stomatologia 01/2005; 54.
A Cicconetti, M Tallarico, A Bartoli, A Ripari, F Maggiani: Calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumor. A clinical case. Minerva stomatologica 07/2004; 53(6). - L. Pacifici, M. Tallarico, A. Bartoli, A. Ripari, A. Cicconetti: Benign cementoblastoma: a clinical case of conservative surgical treatment of the involved tooth. Minerva stomatologica 01/2004; 53(11-12).
- A. Cicconetti, A. Del Vecchio, M. Tallarico, S. Romeo, M. Ripari: Basal-cell adenoma of the palate: A case report. Patents.
Conference Proceedings
- Marco Tallarico: Immediate fixed rehabilitation of maxillary failing dentition using computer guided template-assisted surgery. Osstem World Meeting, Rome; 06/2017
- Marco Tallarico: Systematic analysis on single post-extractive wide diameter implants for molars replacement. Osstem World Meeting 2016, University of Tor Vergata Seminar & Tour., University of Tor Vergata; 06/2016
- Marco Tallarico, Cesare Luzi, Paola Cozza: A multidisciplinary approach of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors. Osstem World Meeting 2016, University of Tor Vergata Seminar & Tour., University of Tor Vergata (Roma); 06/2016
- Marco Tallarico: Schemi occlusali in protesi implanto-supportata. Corso di aggiornamento ODM “Protesi su denti naturali e su impianti“, Ordine dei Medici; 06/2016
- Marco Tallarico: Alternative impanto-protesiche nell’edentulia totale: estetica e funzione. XXIV Congresso Internazionale SIO; 02/2016
- Marco Tallarico, Silvio Mario Meloni: Open sinus lift versus iRaise sinus-lift system. Maxillent’s event, Tel Aviv, Israel; 12/2015
- Marco Tallarico, Silvio Mario Meloni, Luigi Canullo: Five-year post-loading results of a randomised, controlled, trial comparing patients rehabilitated with a cross arch dental prosthesis supported by 4 or 6 implants. EAO 24th Annual Scientific Meeting, September 24-26, Stockholm 2015; 09/2015
- Marco Tallarico, Erta Xhanari, Silvio Mario Meloni, Luigi Canullo: Dental implants and oral bisphosphonates 3-year results of a multicenter prospective observational study. EAO 24th Annual Scientific Meeting, September 24-26, Stockholm 2015; 09/2015
- Marco Tallarico: All-on-4™ and Immediate Function Concept: a 7-Year Clinical Experience. A science and common sense approach. Middle East Dental Congress 2015, Rome; 06/2015
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Peter K Moy: Patient satisfaction, clinical and radiological outcomes after computer-guided versus free-hand placement of immediately loaded dental implants: 1-year results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial.. 30th AO Annual Meeting, Moscone West Convention Center in San Francisco, CA; 03/2015
- Marco Tallarico, Alessandro Pozzi, Peter K Moy: Three-year post loading results of a split-mouth clinical trial comparing marginal bone loss around two different implant designs. EAO 23th Annual Scientific Meeting, September 25-27, Rome 2014; 09/2014
- Marco Tallarico: Computer-guided versus free-hand placement of immediately loaded dental implants: 1 year post-loading results of a multicenter randomised controlled trial. CAI Academy, Annual Meeting, Lucca, Italy; 07/2014
- A. POZZI, M. TALLARICO, P.K. MOY: Marginal Bone Level Changes and implant neck configuration. Split-mouth RCT. IADR General Session and Exhibition 2014; 06/2014
- Alessandro Pozzi, Marco Tallarico, Alberto Barlattani, Peter K Moy: Three-year post-loading results of a randomised, controlled, split-mouth trial comparing implants with different prosthetic interfaces and design in partially edentulous posterior mandibles. 29th AO Annual Meeting, Seattle, March 6-8 2014; 03/2014
- Marco Tallarico, Alessandro Pozzi, Francesco Mangani, Alberto Barlattani: Different implant impression techniques for edentulous patients treated with CAD/CAM complete-arch prostheses: a randomized controlled trial. EAO 22th Annual Scientific Meeting, October 17-19 2013, Dublin; 10/2013
- Marco Tallarico, Mario Imburgia: Immediate Versus Delayed Loading of Dental Implants Placed in Fresh Extraction Sockets in the Esthetic Zone: A Clinical Comparative Study. 2012 – 27th AO Annual Meeting – Phoenix, Arizona – March 1-3; 03/2012
- 12 ноември 2016 г. Интердисциплинарен подход за постигане на орална хармония и функция при сложни случаи – клинична и лабораторна част – лекция на Колоквиума, организиран от Инфодент.
- 11 ноември 2017 г. – ОКЛУЗИЯ В ИМПЛАНТОЛОГИЯТА